Targetting iOS devices hardware

I decided to compile all iOS devices specs here so we can get a better glimpse on their hardware and what we can expect from them. This covers iPhones, iPod Touches and iPad. iPhone/iPhone 3G – 412 MHz / 128MB / 320×480 iPhone 3GS – 600 MHz / 256MB / 320×480 iPhone 4 -~800MHz / 512MB / 640×960 iPod Touch 1G – 412 MHz / 128MB / 320×480 iPod Touch 2G – 532 MHz / 128MB / 320×480 iPod Touch 3G – 600 MHz / 256MB / 320×480 iPod Touch 4G – 800 MHz / 256MB / 640×960 ...

September 8, 2010 · 1 min · 156 words · David Amador

iPhone OpenGL screen orientation using the accelerometer

Even tough it’s not mandatory to support all screen orientations it’s always nice to support at least 2 of them. Let’s imagine your game is landscaped, by some reason the user may want to use either with the home button on the left or on the right. Most games support this, if you flip the device, the game will too. I’ve been using OpenGL to support the device orientation, most people on forums want an automatic solution, but belive me, it’s best that you have control on this. ...

August 27, 2010 · 3 min · 500 words · David Amador

Developers log stardate 26082010

It’s been awhile since I last updated this, I’ve have my hands full with Vizati iPhone. Ever since I got an IPod Touch 2G it was easier for Rita to get a sense of the screen size (although we knew to be 320×480) it’s different when you are testing on the real thing, text looks smaller, other stuff looks way too big. Here’s a picture she took after a few adjustments. ...

August 26, 2010 · 4 min · 760 words · David Amador

Vizati is 50% off during this week

Just a quick post. GamersGate is having a Summer Special and Vizati is with a 50% discount, costing $4.47 / €3.72 during this week only Buy your copy here and check out other awesome promotions here This deal end up this August 15th

August 10, 2010 · 1 min · 43 words · David Amador

Games and systems from childhood

I think the first game I ever played was Tetris on a 286 if my memory isn’t failing me. My father worked at restaurant nearby a small apartment rental office, one of the dudes that worked there occasionally would let me play. I remember one day he had this new game, Prince of Persia, my chin just fell, awesome, I thought games couldn’t get any better. I remember always asking him to “type the code to play” as I called it, since it was DOS based. Probably something like “cd /games/prince~” =P I spent hours playing that game, I do know I never managed to see the end thought. ...

August 8, 2010 · 3 min · 614 words · David Amador

What are your target platforms for games?

I decided to run a little poll to track what platforms do you target as a game developer. I think this should be interesting. Please share this post link or the direct link to the poll ( so that we can have more accurate results. The poll closes in about 6 days and you can select various options of course.

July 26, 2010 · 1 min · 60 words · David Amador

Fixing dark borders sprites on iPhone

I ran into this issue a couple hours ago working on the iPhone sdk: See the darker borders around the image? It’s a png image and that’s was supposed to be a gradient of alpha. So why am I getting this strange stuff around it? Well that’s because that alpha isn’t 0 or 1 or 0 or 255. The first thing I found out is that XCode grabs the png images and multiplies the RGB component with the alpha. So you can understand now why only 0 or 1 works right? Everything in between get’s changed. This is why Apple recommends using PNG over JPGS, although they consume more space they are altered for speed. ...

July 26, 2010 · 2 min · 278 words · David Amador

Instance based Callbacks in C++

One of the things that was probably forgotten but the dudes who made C++ standard were callbacks, there’s no out of the box solution for Instance based Callbacks, just for functions. When I moved to C# I was really happy with the way delegates work, it’s simple, easy and most of all, it works. On game development one of the things callbacks are usually used is for Buttons, you have a menu and want to attribute a function to each button. Sure you can point it to the same one and make a bunch of if’s and then point to a Global var which does the correct action, but this is not elegant and sure as hell not easy to add/modify stuff. ...

July 14, 2010 · 2 min · 296 words · David Amador

Developing on Mac and Basalt running on the iPhone

It’s been around two weeks since my last post. Basically because I’ve been busy porting my engine Basalt to iPhone/iPad. If you follow me on twitter you might have known this already since I ranted pretty much at start, moving platform and language is always painful if you are used to other conventions/shortcuts etc. So it all started with my wish to port Vizati to the iPhone, since the game is already running on PC, Xbox360 and Windows Phone 7 one can only wish for an easy and quick port since pretty much all base code is done. ...

July 9, 2010 · 4 min · 688 words · David Amador

We need XBOX Live Indie Games in Portugal!!

See the little black country on the map? It’s Portugal. The green zone are countries around Portugal that have XBOX Live Indie Games. We are surrounded by countries that can place their games on Creator’s Club but we were left behind. I won’t say there aren’t many others but they can speak for themselves. I’m tired of watching developers from other countries being able to place their games there and we have to sit and watch. ...

June 22, 2010 · 1 min · 198 words · David Amador