Game Contests

I finally decided to compete on IGF. It’s been for a long time I wanted to make a game but time is always short and It’s been postponed like forever, but this time I’m really going to do it. I haven’t started the development itself but the ideas and what we want to do as a game is decided. I won’t reveal anything by now, just that I’ll be working with Rita, because the idea is to launch this as a Different Pixel game and that the target platform is PC/Xbox360. So if I have a playable demo by the time DreamBuildPlay deadline finishes it’s a go to for that contest too. ...

May 29, 2009 · 1 min · 153 words · David Amador

Server move

It’s been awhile since I last posted something here. Mostly because since my laptop fried I’ve been on a slower pace. I still couldn’t find any compatible hdd with my acer 2001 and Acer Portugal wasn’t been very helpfull. So last week I began migrating our server to another host provider, I got tired of down times and processes eating up all cpu, and finally about two months ago the server crashed and all information got lost. Yeah of course one has to be responsible with backups and all, but come on, who can trust a hosting that succumbs to a hdd crash with techology such as RAID and all? So I moved all to another one and the downtime was around 1 or 2 hours, so no big losses here. All is running smothly now and I finnaly have unlimited bandwith 😀 ...

May 29, 2009 · 1 min · 143 words · David Amador

R.I.P. laptop hdd

This weekend was a longer one, 3 days =) but still it was a bad weekend. My old acer aspire 2000 died on me. I was starting to watch a movie when a sudden blue screen pop up. I tryed to reboot it but with no success, the problem? The hard drive is broken, when I boot it starts to make this strange mechanicall sounds and the hdd isn’t showing on the bios. ...

May 4, 2009 · 2 min · 243 words · David Amador

Testing iPhone Sdk and MacOSX

So last weekend I finally got my hands on a fully operational Mac OSX with the iPhone SDK so I decided to give it a try. First of all I had to set myself comfortable with this new OS since I’ve always used Windows. It’s not that hard and most of the things are straitgh forward. I booted up X-Code and decided to test an iPhone Application and after 3-4 hours of researching and testing I managed to get a sprite on screen that moves to were I press on screen. Too bad I don’t have an actual Iphone to test it, so I just used the provided iphone simulator. ...

April 29, 2009 · 1 min · 165 words · David Amador

WordPress Gallery

During my efforts to combine Rita’s website to wordpress and with a cool gallery I came up with a few problems. Mainly because the top navigation bar was built using J-Query, which I’ve already made quite some time ago, and even after switching to mootools I didn’t want to be rebuilding it again. So yesterday after a few searches I managed to install NextGen gallery plugin for wordpress and using LightBox for popups. It even has a watermark option. I recommend anyone having a gallery on their website to give it a try. It’s really cool and free for use. ...

April 22, 2009 · 1 min · 100 words · David Amador

Make a Game Week

I work on a game creation company and this week the administration decided to give us a challenge, to make a game. Using whatever tools we want to whatever platform we like. After we got divided between 4 teams the challenge was to make every minute count. My team got composed by me (programmer), a designer and a person from man resources. Of course I was going to handle every bit of code, the designer the art and the third person the level design and documentation. ...

March 13, 2009 · 1 min · 139 words · David Amador

Window of Opportunity

I started watching Stargate SG-1 on the beginning of this year, I’ve already had seen Season one, but it was almost 10 years ago so I decided to see from start. I’m in the middle of season 4 and last weekend I saw what may well be the most funny episode of all, Window of Opportunity. On this episode O’Neill and Teal’c get trapped on an endless loop, were events keep repeating themselves so, without any consequences to think on they decided to take the best of that time. ...

February 24, 2009 · 1 min · 100 words · David Amador

Tech Talk: Linus Torvalds On Git

I recently found that there is a subversion alternative surfacing that is in many ways much better that subversion, it name is Git and it’s a creation of Linus Torvalds. Here’s a video of him talking about it

February 3, 2009 · 1 min · 38 words · David Amador

How to Enable or Disable Quick Launch Bar Toolbar in Windows 7

Quick Launch Bar is slowly being deprecated. It wasn’t enable by default on windows Vista and on the new Windows 7 (build 7000 for me) it isn’t even available on the toolbars list as the whole Taskbar been replaced with a new and enhanced one, which now allows shortcut icons to be placed on it directly. For users, like myself who miss Quick Launch bar here’s a how to enable it: ...

January 23, 2009 · 2 min · 356 words · David Amador