XNA Camera 2d with zoom and rotation

07/01/2011 – By popular request updated to XNA 4.0, xna 3.1 code is still there too One of the things I keep finding is people asking how to do a simple camera 2d in XNA. Today I decided to contribute with my own solution. Most of the time the solution given is to have a class camera with a Vector2 position and when drawing the sprite batch to subtract the camera position to the sprite position itself. Although this work from my point of view it’s not elegant and you can’t have neat features like zooming and rotation. So for my tutorial I’ll do all transformations using a Matrix. Start off by creating the basic class Camera2d ...

October 12, 2009 · 3 min · 433 words · David Amador

Basalt gains a media player

So I’ve been working on a sort of media player in order to play movies on my 2d engine Basalt made on top of XNA. By extending my class Object2d I manage to get this pretty cool result. You can even apply shaders to it. Since I extended the class from Object2d I can rotate, scale and set a position to the video besides regular options like play/pause, fullscreen etc. For those who don’t know the video playing is a chunk of the series Naruto Shippuuden ...

October 4, 2009 · 1 min · 86 words · David Amador

Game Competition

Some time ago I decided to launch a new website with a 48h Game Competition. We are now 2 days away from the Compo#1. This is for every indie game developer wannabe =) [Edit] The first competition is now over. Check the results here One of the games made in the competition.

September 17, 2009 · 1 min · 52 words · David Amador

XNA Sprite Sheet

I decided to take the morning to make a small sprite sheet editor for our Xna engine. This way the artist can easily define the sprite areas and their origin saving in a file that can later on be loaded on the engine. Not very fancy yet but it gets the job done. Next step will be making an animator editor.

August 23, 2009 · 1 min · 61 words · David Amador

Xna 2d Engine

Lately whenever I’m off work and I have the time I’ve been working on a 2d Engine in XNA. We named it Basalt. Cool hum? lol I have almost everything done, since sprites, to sprite animations, scenes, layers, resolution independent engine, game state and a lot of other cool things. On a recent post I’ve showed a 4 split screen prototype, that was made in Basalt. Also I’ve been working, even though on a slower pace on Shappire, the editor and a sprite sheet editor, for the animations etc. ...

August 14, 2009 · 1 min · 98 words · David Amador

DBP deadline is over, maybe next year.

Dream Build Play submission deadline is over. Unfortunatly I didn’t had the time to put my prototype working. Maybe next year. I always had the impression I would finish it on time cause the main goal was always IGF. Meanwhile I’ve been busy making the arrangements for The Indie Bay 48 hour game development competition. The idea is for every entrant to make a game in 48 hours using a given theme or topic. Some cool prototypes may show up, games like Braid or World of Goo have been created in competitions like this one. ...

August 6, 2009 · 1 min · 110 words · David Amador

Pugna prototype

Hello there. Yes i know I haven’t updated in awhile, I’ve been really busy. So the deadline for Dream Build Play is 5 days from now and up till yesterday I haven’t made anything. My goal was to have a prototype by now to submit to DBP, but I ain’t got anything. So today I decided to see what I could do from scratch, and not related to the main idea that Rita and I have for the game we should have submitted. ...

August 1, 2009 · 1 min · 212 words · David Amador

Game Contests

I finally decided to compete on IGF. It’s been for a long time I wanted to make a game but time is always short and It’s been postponed like forever, but this time I’m really going to do it. I haven’t started the development itself but the ideas and what we want to do as a game is decided. I won’t reveal anything by now, just that I’ll be working with Rita, because the idea is to launch this as a Different Pixel game and that the target platform is PC/Xbox360. So if I have a playable demo by the time DreamBuildPlay deadline finishes it’s a go to for that contest too. ...

May 29, 2009 · 1 min · 153 words · David Amador

Testing iPhone Sdk and MacOSX

So last weekend I finally got my hands on a fully operational Mac OSX with the iPhone SDK so I decided to give it a try. First of all I had to set myself comfortable with this new OS since I’ve always used Windows. It’s not that hard and most of the things are straitgh forward. I booted up X-Code and decided to test an iPhone Application and after 3-4 hours of researching and testing I managed to get a sprite on screen that moves to were I press on screen. Too bad I don’t have an actual Iphone to test it, so I just used the provided iphone simulator. ...

April 29, 2009 · 1 min · 165 words · David Amador

Make a Game Week

I work on a game creation company and this week the administration decided to give us a challenge, to make a game. Using whatever tools we want to whatever platform we like. After we got divided between 4 teams the challenge was to make every minute count. My team got composed by me (programmer), a designer and a person from man resources. Of course I was going to handle every bit of code, the designer the art and the third person the level design and documentation. ...

March 13, 2009 · 1 min · 139 words · David Amador