Super Meat Boy, meat dissection

I don’t usually write reviews about games, maybe mostly because I don’t play as often as I used to. Most games today are just graphics graphics, I use super shader ray-traced lights but I forgot gameplay because I’m a tech demo. I grew up with a Super Nintendo playing Super Mario World and Zelda A Link to the Past, yeah shocker, no Spectrum to me :P, so I’m 2D gameplay type lover....

October 23, 2010 · 3 min · 638 words · David Amador

Framework consideration and new projects

Engine/Framework considerations I’m currently struggling with the decision of dropping or not XNA support for PC and just keeping it for WP7 and Xbox360 (if XBLIG ever comes to Portugal). Why? Well one of the reasons is for porting purposes. Took me too long to port Vizati from C# to C++ and then having to implement an OpenGL render layer. If I had an C++/DirectX engine from the start it would be a question of replacing the rendering stuff to OpenGL....

October 4, 2010 · 3 min · 518 words · David Amador

Another milestone reached, first App sent to Apple Store

Finally and after several weeks locked inside Different Pixel “dungeon” making my engine compatible with iOS, namely with iPhone/iPod touch I submitted today my first App to the Apple Store. The binary didn’t reported any issues so as of 15 September 2010 it’s “Waiting For Review” I have mixed feelings about either it’s going to be approved or rejected. On one hand we tested as much as we could, handed to some testers using iPhone 3, iPhone 4 and iPod touches....

September 15, 2010 · 2 min · 383 words · David Amador

Vizati is 50% off during this week

Just a quick post. GamersGate is having a Summer Special and Vizati is with a 50% discount, costing $4.47 / €3.72 during this week only Buy your copy here and check out other awesome promotions here This deal end up this August 15th

August 10, 2010 · 1 min · 43 words · David Amador

Games and systems from childhood

I think the first game I ever played was Tetris on a 286 if my memory isn’t failing me. My father worked at restaurant nearby a small apartment rental office, one of the dudes that worked there occasionally would let me play. I remember one day he had this new game, Prince of Persia, my chin just fell, awesome, I thought games couldn’t get any better. I remember always asking him to “type the code to play” as I called it, since it was DOS based....

August 8, 2010 · 3 min · 614 words · David Amador

We need XBOX Live Indie Games in Portugal!!

See the little black country on the map? It’s Portugal. The green zone are countries around Portugal that have XBOX Live Indie Games. We are surrounded by countries that can place their games on Creator’s Club but we were left behind. I won’t say there aren’t many others but they can speak for themselves. I’m tired of watching developers from other countries being able to place their games there and we have to sit and watch....

June 22, 2010 · 1 min · 198 words · David Amador

Who wants to try Vizati Demo?

Ok, I know I’ve been making far too much posts about Vizati but this time it’s for a good reason, anyone interested in trying out the game can do it…right about NOW… Also on a quick update, yesterday I had the chance to test Vizati at Windows Phone 7 Developer’s Hub on a real WP7 device, which was awesome. I want to thank João Antão, Nuno Costa, Ben Riga and Neil Hutson for the opportunity....

June 8, 2010 · 1 min · 100 words · David Amador

Vizati wins XNA Pizza Night 2010

Damn you should see my face when they told me we won the competition XNA Pizza Night 2010 at Microsoft. Originally we developed Vizati to enter Dream Build Play 2010. We started developing the game on the beginning of February and during that month we discovered another competition would be held near Dream Build Play deadline. We went there with the same demo we sent to DBP. The audience really liked the game and we got very positive feedback....

March 8, 2010 · 1 min · 187 words · David Amador

I maed a Custom Script Language for my Xna Engine

Well the title is an Homage to James Silva‘s I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES!!!1 I’ve been really busy with my Dream Build Play game lately. Although being a simple game somethings always turn out to be harder that we initial think. I’ve been debating myself with some bugs on my engine, had to redo tons of code yesterday due to XBOX360 compatibilities (should have tested earlier :P). Two days ago Rita started doing the assets and it’s looking really good....

February 15, 2010 · 2 min · 398 words · David Amador

Updates about Different Pixel and Sapphire

Like some of you already know I’m currently out of job, the company where I worked like many out there closed due to, I don’t know, financial issues, bad management, who knows. Even worse the news got out just before Christmas and it was not the holidays I intended to have. Times have been hard, since the last pay check I got was in November. I worked there since 2006, almost 4 years, I joined the team back then in the hopes of joining something in the games industry....

December 30, 2009 · 3 min · 433 words · David Amador

munchies for Design

As most developers do I spend a lot of time programming. Most of us has made some sketches for prototyping games, yes, the ones no one else can understand except for ourselves. I always liked drawing and 3D modeling but I was never very good at it. I was just cleaning up some stuff on my pc and found a folder, god most of this stuff I made is UGLYYYY lol....

December 5, 2009 · 1 min · 71 words · David Amador

Accelero twin turbo

Because my Ati Radeon 4890 fan fried I had to buy another cooler. After a little research I discovered Artic Accelero Twin Turbo. Today I decided to finally try it. The assembly is rather easy, the package comes with several heatsinks for memories, and of course the fans themselves. There are three ways to connect the fans, either directly to the VGA card itself, directly to the PSU with 7V or 12V....

October 24, 2009 · 1 min · 144 words · David Amador