1 – You either are, or you aren’t.
People often say, “I’m an aspiring indie game developer.” You are either making games or you’re not, period. If you are starting in development with your own money, then you are one. People tend to think they are indie developers only when the money starts rolling in. Think again, because the money may never come.
2 – It’s a jungle out there.
There’s no safe path to becoming a successful indie developer. Following someone else’s path won’t necessarily get you there. That’s why giving advice is just that—it might work, or it might not.
3 – There’s a minefield being left behind.
We see it everywhere: indie bundles, pay-what-you-want models, freemium games, games priced at $1. Those who made money with these models are leaving behind a bad legacy and an audience that doesn’t want to pay much.
4 – Finish your stuff.
You should actually be working instead of reading this.
5 – You need to learn the rules…
…to know when they must be broken.
6 – You need to break the rules…
…to know why they matter.
7 – Playing games does NOT make you a developer.
Yet many think that’s all it takes: “I’m good at playing, so I must be good at making them.” You should, however, play critically—that is the key.
8 – Working alone…
…can be like rowing a boat with just one paddle.
9 – Working with a team…
…can be like two people on a bike: one steering and another pedaling.
10 – Overnight success.
Out of nowhere, this indie developer becomes an “overnight success!” Million-dollar hits!
And you think, “I can do that.”
Yeah, except those who are “overnight successes” rarely appear out of nowhere. Minecraft? That guy had been working on games for years. Super Meat Boy? I bet Edmund had made over 30 games before that. They just stayed in obscurity for years. Work matters.
11 – Learn to fall.
This one’s hard, especially if you think your game is great and the first comment is, “This is sh**.” Learn from mistakes and do it again, but better.
12 – Making games is hard work…
…and you will shoot fire from your eyes at anyone who says otherwise.
13 – People who tell you to keep trying…
…are mostly lying. They think you’re lazy and can’t get a real job.
14 – Your parents will keep the hope…
…that you get your act together and apply to IBM or Microsoft, because that’s where the money is.
15 – You will think twice…
…when someone asks you what you do for a living. If you were a doctor, it would be the first thing you’d say.